Home Exchange Network Reviews

First Home Exchange Alliance review – June 2018

First Home Exchange Alliance - Homebase

Review date: June 2018

The First Home Exchange Alliance (FHEA) includes four networks that share listings and virtually identical functionality:

$40/yr – $79/yr

English only

1845 listings

These four sites share a search engine and most of the site functionality but continue to advertise themselves as distinct home exchange networks. They even have different pricing and trial memberships. Hint: join Green Theme International for the cheapest price ($40/year). The membership in these networks has been dropping slowly over the past few years, and I don’t see any enhancements to the websites or networks either. Those are not good signs for the longevity of FHEA.

Searching: Searches start with a geography prompt and include filters for various relevant features of the home and swap family.

Listings: The search results display good usable summary information and each individual listing has all the relevant details easily organized for viewing.

This network offers the following variations on house swapping:

  • simultaneous or non-simultaneous house swap – this is the traditional model where two parties swap houses for an agreed upon set of dates. Non-simultaneous works best with second homes, but is also useful for people going on vacation and leaving their home empty. In this case each party picks different dates for the swap.